Thursday, June 25, 2009

Birth Story

As most of you know, I was induced on Monday, June 22 due to high blood pressure. Jesse and I arrived at the hospital around 7:00pm. I was already 2 cm and about 70% effaced. I was glad I had a head start, because I know how long inductions can take! They started the induction at 8:00 and gave me some Ambien. Through out the night they inserted a pill to ripen the cervix. I didn't get any sleep at all. They checked me again at 7:00am and I was 3-4cm. The doctor broke my water at 7:15 and then the fun started! I had been having back pain all night and we thought the baby might be sunny side up. Once active labor started, I had horrible back labor. It was the worse pain ever! My contractions were coming every 2 minutes and it felt like I had no time in between to catch my breath. I labored for one and a half hours using different techniques to try to control the pain. Finally, I couldn't handle it any more and got my epidural. The worse part was holding still through the contractions. Once the epidural was in, I felt great! I give so much credit to women to do it without, I could have never done it! My family came in at this time and we just relaxed. At this point I was at 4 1/2 cm. Soon after, I started to feel pain in my bottom area. We thought that I might have a hot spot in my ischial nerve, so they had me lay on my side to get some meds down there and hopefully get the baby to turn. I was still having a lot of pain and my wonderful nurse wanted to check my progress. She checks and says " you are a 10 and completely thinned out"! I had gone from a 4-10 in a little over a hour! She said lets do some pushing! We were shocked! We rushed my family out and started pushing. My mom, Jesse, and our nurse held my legs as I did some practice pushes. I was still in so much pain because of the hot spot. My doctor even gave me a shot to try to numb it and still had no luck. I pushed for 1 hour and 45 minutes. She was born at 12:51pm. She weighed 7lbs 1oz and is 20 inches long. It was so overwhelming to see my daughter for the first time. Jesse and I were both very emotional. Her Apger score was 9 and 9 and is a very healthy little girl. The first picture is on the way to the hospital.

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