Thursday, October 29, 2009


So, having a little girl has made me obsessed with all things "girly". My neighbor and I have been having a blast making bows for our little girls. Here are a few pictures I have taken this week. Next on deck...TUTUS!

Sleepy after photo shoot

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

4 Months

We had Emme's 4 month appointment yesterday. She now weighs 14 lbs 15oz (75th percentile) and is 26 inches long (90th percentile). She is now wearing 6 month and some 6-9 month clothing. I am sadly packing up her clothes that don't fit anymore. Some many cute little time. Emme continues to light up my life with her smile, snuggles, and coos. She is "talking" quite a bit and experimenting with how loud she can get! We talked with her doctor about her early stranger anxiety and she said that some babies just know what they want and when they want it! I wonder where that comes from!! I hope she gets over it quickly...I'm tired of holding my breath every time someone talks to her, or some days even looks at her!! I also think that she has started teething. I had my two bottom teeth by 15 weeks, so I think that she will be early as well. Everything is going in the mouth! Kenai is still loving on her, and she is watching her more as well. I can't wait to see how their relationship progresses.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Off to the Races

Emme turned 3 months on the 23rd of September. I can't believe how big she is getting! I'm truly enjoying my time with her at home and tear up at the thought of returning to work. At this point I'm not sure what I will be doing or when I will have to get serious about doing it! Right now Emme is giggling and smiling a ton. She is reaching for toys, our dog, and is putting everything in her mouth! This past week she met some very important family members. Her Grandpa Craig and Grandma Jan came to visit from Minnesota. One day we all went to the horse races. Emme seemed to enjoy looking at the horses. Although her mom and dad couldn't pick a winner if their lives depended on it! She also met her Great-Grandma for the first time. Here are some recent pictures.

Here are some other pics I took of Emme that I love!