Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

I had a great doctor's appointment today. We got our first set of results from our Sequential Scan. Our chances are 1 in 10,000 that our baby has Down Syndrome or Trisomy 13. Our Dr. called it a "perfect" result. We have one more blood test to go, but no worries! The heartbeat was also 145. Don't forget to predict the gender in our poll! Results will be revealed (baby willing) on Feb. 6th.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

15 Weeks and 3 Days

Here is an updated belly shot from today. I feel that in the last week I have really changed. I am starting to look more pregnant and not like I ate a lot over the holidays (which I did)! I shared the news with my principal this week. She seemed happy considering we have 5 teachers pregnant right now and another due any day! One of them is actually due the day after me! I am always comparing my tummy to hers - we actually look very similar.I still haven't been feeling that great. Every book I have read said that morning sickness is supposed to be gone by now. Well, not for me! I am still very nauseous most days and actually "tossed my cookies" this weekend. Sorry if that was too much information! I am also waiting for that energy boost they talk about! Other then that, I am looking forward to my monthly appointment with my Dr. on Wednesday.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Guestbook and Comments

I have added a guestbook down at the bottom of the page that I would love for you to sign! Also, you can leave comments below the posts. Just click the comment button,type your comment in, click the Name/URL button, and post comment. Can you tell I am having fun with this?? I should be grading papers...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Looking Back

Here is a belly shot from 8 weeks.

This is a pic from our first ultrasound. I was 8 weeks, 5 days along. It's hard to tell, but the bigger round object is the head looking down and the body is right below. We are so lucky to be able to see the baby in 3D too! We were also able to hear the heartbeat at this appointment for the first time. 174 beats per girl???

13 Weeks and 5 Days

This week we had an ultrasound. We got to see the baby bouncing around, waving, and even a yawn. It was so amazing! We counted fingers and toes and are glad to report that the baby looks to have my nose! The baby also sat cross-legged the whole we didn't get to see the goods! Press Play =).


Last night we surprised Gabrielle with the news. We gave her a book that was called "I'm a Big Sister". It took about a hour for the news to settle in and she didn't believe us until I showed her the pics from the ultrasound (which she checked to see if it said my name). She is very excited!